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HubSpot Breeze AI: Reinventing Growth for Climate Tech Marketing

HubSpot Breeze AI: Fueling Growth for Climate Tech Marketers

If you had the pleasure of attending this year’s INBOUND then we are sure you were blown away by a new breeze… Breeze AI, that is. HubSpot’s latest fall updates, Breeze AI—is an innovative solution aimed at simplifying and accelerating marketing processes.

We left INBOUND feeling inspired by all the new opportunities that come along with this update, for both ourselves and our clients particularly in the Climate Tech space. 

Climate tech marketers face unique challenges

There are a few fundamental challenges that climate tech marketers face, spanning across the buyer’s journey of their target customers. Combine this with the navigation of lengthy sales cycles that come along with this industry and you’re left with  hurdles that can hinder growth and reduce the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

Complex Messaging

Before you build trust with your buyers they need to understand what you do clearly. Communicating technical solutions to a diverse range of stakeholders can be daunting. Climate tech products often require intricate explanations, making it difficult to convey value effectively.

Data Overload

Marketers frequently grapple with managing an overwhelming amount of disjointed data across various platforms and channels.

This makes it hard to extract the poignant information and see the bigger picture of the situation. Ultimately leading to inefficiencies and hinder strategic decision-making.

Lead Generation & Conversion

The complexity of the solutions tend to match the complexity of the buying process in the climate tech sector.

Resulting in a lengthy sales cycle resulting in low lead quality. Fragmented customer journeys make it hard to nurture prospects, drastically impacting conversion rates.

A Changing Landscape

The traditional, linear customer journey is evolving into a more fragmented landscape characterized by multi-channel interactions. This shift complicates how marketers particularly in the cleantech and climate tech spaces engage with their potential customers. This fragmented landscape also leads to fragmented data.

The Impact of Fragmented Data on Growth

Fragmented data can lead to increased spending and inefficiencies, ultimately harming campaign effectiveness. B2B marketers often miss out on opportunities for personalization and targeting, which are crucial in today’s competitive environment.

Let’s Get to the Good Stuff! HubSpot Breeze AI—A Solution for Climate Tech Marketers

HubSpot plays a pivotal role in addressing the above challenges head on by breaking down silos between sales and marketing, enabling a more cohesive approach. Let’s dive into some of these transformative key features.

Data Enrichment

Data Enrichment

Enhance your CRM data through automatic data enrichment. Breeze AI provides marketers with essential firmographic and technographic attributes for comprehensive insights. This includes functionality like: 

  • Missing Field Population: Fills in incomplete B2B company data and updates stale contact information.
  • Lead Data Enrichment: Enriches lead data upon form submission and automates lead scoring.
  • Campaign Customization: Enables tailored email campaigns and dynamic landing page customization to boost engagement and conversion rates.

Buyer Intent

Buyer Intent

Breeze AI’s Buyer Intent feature identifies high-intent leads using reverse-IP data and behavior tracking, enabling more focused outreach strategies.

This targeted approach helps streamline marketing efforts and maximize impact through features like:

  • High-Intent Lead Identification: Pinpoints leads that are actively showing interest in your offerings.
  • Enhanced Targeting: Allows marketers to tailor their outreach based on specific user behaviors.
  • Improved Conversion Rates: Increases the likelihood of engagement by focusing on prospects who are more likely to convert.

Form Shortening

Form Shortening

Historically, long contact forms create friction in the conversion process, often leading to abandoned submissions. Breeze AI combats this through Form Shortening.

This feature enhances conversion rates by dynamically reducing form fields through automatic data enrichment and helps marketers capture more leads effectively. This functionality group includes:

  • Dynamic Field Reduction: Automatically shortens forms based on available data, making it easier for users to complete submissions.
  • Increased Conversions: Simplifying forms encourages higher completion rates and boosts overall lead generation.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Reducing the number of required fields leads to a smoother interaction for potential customers.

Why Breeze Intelligence Is a Game-Changer for Climate Tech Marketers

Simplified Data Management Without a Dependency on Technical Specialists.

Climate tech marketers can easily enrich and update customer data across marketing channels, streamlining their operations. The interface is easy to use and accessible.

Get Personal with Enhanced Personalization Capabilities

Companies that excel at personalization generate 40% more revenue from marketing efforts compared to the average competitor (McKinsey). Breeze AI gives you enriched data enables marketers to craft high-impact, personalized campaigns that resonate with their target audience.

This allows marketers to create more relevant and engaging campaigns that speak directly to the needs of their audience.

Streamlined Lead Qualification, Scoring & Segmentation

Breeze AI automates lead qualification based on enriched, up-to-date data, making it easier to identify the most promising prospects. You can also take advantage of enriched customer profiles to improve lead scoring and segmentation, allowing for more targeted and effective marketing efforts.

Increasing Your Conversions is a Breeze

HubSpot Breeze AI is a powerful tool for climate tech marketers, providing enriched data, personalized campaigns, and streamlined lead management. By leveraging Breeze AI, marketers can overcome the challenges presented by the new way of buying and the data fragmentation as a result. 

It has never been easier to drive growth through precise targeting and increase your conversions faster.

Feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start?  

Reach out to us at New Perspective. We have been a proud Platinum HubSpot partner for over 10 years, to explore how we can help you implement these solutions and drive sustainable growth for your climate tech business.

Caitlin Tupper


Caitlin is our senior design manager. She graduated from Lesley University College of Art and Design.